DVD Counting and Storage

The Might Tower of Binders!

Figure 1. My tower of binders.

The opened binder is designated for the Star Trek Universe.  The full series of Enterprise, and “Star Trek Into Darkness” are the only two that I do not own.   The other binders are  divided by children’s movies, space & alien movies (that are not Star Trek), and other hodgepodge.


Temperature and humidity, well something like ” Discs kept in a cooler, less-humid environment and not subjected to extreme environmental changes should last longer (Byers 2003). ”  What does this mean?  The image below is a short response, a more in-depth chart can be found by clicking the Byers link.

Apparently there were studies done on DVDs, such as the temperature and humidity, but also ….

Apparently, the U.S. Post Service conducted studies on radiation affecting DVDS (anti-terrorism).

Figure 3. Apparently, the U.S. Post Service conducted studies on radiation affecting DVDS          (anti-terrorism).  The end result in a nuclear war you will not survive, but your copy of the ten seasons of “Friends” will survive.  The mutated cockroaches will develop opposable thumbs and start watching the episode that Joey acted all stupid.

One other key factor about environment and temperature that Byers hinted on but said that there needs to be enough evidence that most likely DVDs being stored in room temperature that you are playing the DVD in will effect the quality in the direction of the good.   He mentioned freezing DVDs and CDs, but warned against.

Take Notice!

By the Numbers! (The reason is simple.  The collections are mixed together, and so this is easier in the end of the day.)

How Many?

  • The count includes:
    • My Collection
    • The family Collection
    • My Wife’s
    • Children’s as well

The reason is simple.  The collections are mixed together.

Each Movie counts as one.

For Example: Many years ago I wanted to own “Revenge of the Nerds,” but a problem was a foot.  The consumer had to buy one of those double movie DVDS.  On “side A” the movie that you want to purchase, and on “side B” the movie you do not want to purchase.  I had to own ” Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise.”  This is not a problem usually since I have a chaos in my genre taste.   Instead of being one movie, I count this as two even-though the physical copy only comes with one DVD.

Split DVD Personality

Figure 3. This might not always be true.

Each Season counts as one.

For Example:  One of the first TV Series that I have successfully own in full is “Star Trek: Deep Space 9.”  DS9 has seven season, so each season purchased counts as one.

One Does not Equal One.One Does Not Equal One

Keep in mind you can have a DVD wallet that stores 256 CDs/DVDs.  You might own 256 DVDs.  This will not mean that you will be able to hold every single DVD in that wallet.  There are 48 DVDs in the entire DVD collection of DS9.  The television series are not the lone corrupter of the numbers.

DS9 Image from Amazon

Figure 5. DS9 from Amazon: Take notice of the number of discs.

Movies can just be as guilty.

For Example: “Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”

Peter Jackson, the director, came out with the “extended” and not so extend version by selling them in one collection.  This would equal four DVDs along with the two other squeals having four DVDs each.  By the end three movies became 12 physical DVDs.

Keep in mind that either DVDs of movies or TV shows might have an extra disc or two.  Not just because of the “extended,” “unrated rated,” and/or “director’s cuts” but also because of the special features.

For Example: Robotech

There are many different choices when purchasing the Robotech Series.  When I decided to place Robotech on the list of “I wanted TV/Movies” I had to visit the official Robotech website to figure out which set was the best.  In 2011 Robotech: The Complete Original Series was sold.  There are 18 discs, and four of them are special features.

Blu-Ray, DVD, and Digital Copy (But Physical)

Some DVD sets will contain a Blu-Ray, regular DVD, and Digital Copy that you can download/upload into your computer.  Also, the extended versions, and special feature discs could be part of this.

Emotional Attachment to In-Animated Objects:

I transferred from the cases to the binders  a year and half ago.  This was emotional.  The space was getting tight, and since I am not a big fan of digital I had to give way.
I still have the cases in storage (blue plastic bins from target).  I am not completely emotionally detached from the cases.

Storage Devices:

As I stated “Big Blue Plastic Bins” from Target for the cases.  At one point I had each DVD displayed alphabetically, and that took a lot of space.  Now, there are a couple “big blue plastic bins” extra, but are out of the way in the garage.

I decided to purchase  the Memorex Travel Case Active CD & DVD Wallet 256-ct this can only purchased at Target.  In the past I tried buying other brands, and they have fallen apart.
