Vacation: Family, Books, Thomas Jefferson, & Puzzles

For a few days, the family and I drove up to Lake George swam in the swimming pool at the motel, and at the lake, took an adventure to Ft. Henry William, and did some pirate mini golf.

Thomas Jefferson’s Creme Brulee: How a Founding Father and His Slave James Hemings Introduced French Cuisine to America (2012) by Thomas J. Craughwell

Creme Brulée

I enjoy knowing about the American Revolution, the founders/framers, the political & cultural thoughts/values of that period.

In high school, we are painted the picture of the founders and framers that they were gods, and do no wrong. In college, there were particular professors who would pain a much different picture. The founders and framers were in a complex conspiracy to keep the soon to be freed American citizens subjected not by King George, but by them. There was another professor in the same department, and he did not refer to them as either gods, or as tyrants, but as people.

This particular book is a great companion piece to Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation (2002) by Joseph J. Ellis.  In both works they discuss the greatness and the awe that inspired many, but also the hypocrisy, and the not-so-good, such as with the issue of slavery. In both they refer to the dinner between James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams to create a compromise.  The main part of the meal was macaroni & cheese, which was one of the recipes that James Hemings learned, and perfected. The other popular recipe, pommes de frites, aka skinny french fries.

Action Bible Jigsaw: “David & Goliath”

Action Bible: "David & Goliath" from TDC Games. The image was obtain from TDC Games.

Action Bible: “David & Goliath” from TDC Games.

This was the second puzzle that I have completed during those few days.  I found this at one of those re-sale stores like Big Lots. Hey, why not, better than the floral arrangements, and fifty shades of red.
